Friday, April 2, 2021

Meet the Chief, published by Masterbooks

Meet the Chief The opening pages introduce kids to the office of president. I love the following paragraph: “Each president is unique in their faith and beliefs. As you learn more about the presidents of the United States, you may find that not all of them followed godly or biblical principles; they made mistakes, as well as accomplished great things. We hope as you learn about each president, you will be inspired to learn more about them and America, and will think of ways you might contribute to this great nation. Maybe one day you will become the president of the United States of America!” (page5) It is important to understand that beyond party lines that “they made mistakes, as well as accomplished great things.” And that there are godly and ungodly leaders are both sides of the fence. A party line does not define religious, moral or ethical beliefs. This book is chock full of amazing little tid bits of information. Children will learn when a president was born/died, took office, party they were a part of and how many terms they served. Then the book goes into the history of each president; where they were born, who they married, their education, and how they entered politics. I was so excited to get this book and be able to review it with my kids. It’s a wonderful book to invest in and have on hand as a resource that will enrich your studies of U.S. government and history.

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